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Do you know which one is a synonym for ''RESERVED'' ?

Writer's picture: Defne TanguluDefne Tangulu

The synonyms of the word ''reserved'' are as follows:

  • Reticent

  • Archaic

  • Riveting

We're going to have to pry information out of today's word because it is reticent. RETİCENT means ''disposed to be silent or not to speak freely'' This tight-lipped adjective is more specific than its synonym RESERVED, which is widely used in both speech and actions and implies a guardedness born of caution or a sense of formality. Reticent simply describes people who aren't inclined to chatte. A word to the wise: reticent is used to mean ''reluctant'' with some regularity, but style guides urge against this broad interpretation in favor of the more precise application.



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